The Least Together Person You Know Is Plugging Her Life Coach Biz on Insta

Jennifer Barnett
3 min readJul 1, 2021

Luckily I’m here to tell you how to get shit done for real.

Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

I’m no Instagram life coach but that won’t stop me from dispensing the following piece of equally unqualified advice. If you, like me, can not get shit done despite having a billion things you want to do because depression, existential dread, perfectionism, procrastination…. here’s what I decided to do this week and so far it’s working; write ONE THING on a wall calendar. Then do it.

Monday: Write

Tuesday: Exercise

Wednesday: Music

Thursday: Write

Friday: Dutch

On Monday I opened Word and made four folders for ideas I’ve been working on in my head forever and brain dumped them all into each folder (including random notebook scribbles, Notes app, etc.) I kept going back to the folders and adding more words. It carried over to the next day.

Tuesday I put my exercise clothes on in the morning and walked the dog, walked myself, stretched my hip flexers. It was enough to alleviate the you should be exercising voice in my head for the entire day.

Wednesday I used the YouTube video my husband sent me months ago to learn some power chords for Crimson and Clover. I…



Jennifer Barnett

Former managing editor of The Atlantic, Teen Vogue, Redbook, and Elle. Now I’m writing. Expat in Amsterdam.